Alyce Thomas, RDN, FAND
HOD At-Large Delegate: Retired
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Position / Skills and Attributes
POSITION | Skills/Attributes associated with the position | Examples of how I have demonstrated outcomes for each skill/attribute that qualify me for the position |
HOD At-Large Delegate: Retired |
1. I have been a member of several Academy committees, HOD delegate and work groups and chaired two dietetic practice groups. 2. As the lone RDN on the NICHD Advisory Council, it was my responsibility to assure the inclusion of nutrition in health-related issues and documents including its strategic plan. 3. As Vice Chair of the Diabetes Leadership Council (DLC), I have advocated for the inclusion of nutrition in all policy work. 4. I was appointed Co-Chair of DLC's Health Equity Subcommittee as we strive to eliminate health disparities in diabetes care. |
Employment History
Employer | Title | Years Employed |
St. Joseph's Health | Nutrition Consultant | 35 |
Leadership Experience
Leadership Position | Organization | Years Involved in the Organization | My specific leadership contributions, achievements and outcomes: |
Vice Chair | Diabetes Leadership Council | 2020 - 2025 | When I was asked to serve on the Diabetes Leadership Council, it was the first time two dietitians were appointed to this organization, which is composed of past national leaders of diabetes-related organizations. As dietitians, our mission was to ensure the inclusion of nutrition in internal discussions and external communications. Three years later, I was appointed Vice-Chair. |
Member | National Institutes of Health Child Health and Human Development Advisory Council | 2016 - 2020 | My appointment to the NICHD Advisory Council was a first for dietitians, which primarily consisted mostly of physicians and non-nutrition related researchers. It was obvious during my first year on the Advisory Council that nutrition was not a topic on anyone's radar. By the time I had completed my four year term, nutrition was never overlooked again. |
Member | National Institutes of Health - Consensus Development Panel on Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes | 2011 - 2013 | To ensure that medical nutrition therapy was included in the proceedings of the panel which would be used in the management of gestational diabetes in the US and abroad. |
Personal and Campaign Statements
What do you see as opportunities for the future of the nutrition and dietetics profession?
Now is an exciting time to be a dietetic professional. I have noticed an increase in the number of dietitians performing non-traditional roles than when I started my career over 40 years ago. We have almost unlimited opportunities to use our knowledge, skills and expertise in areas that, in the past, others may not have considered us as qualified. It is showing the world that we can and do reach beyond the stars by showcasing our uniqueness in healthcare and related fields.
Campaign Statement
Although I have retired from my day job, I haven't retired from life. I am committed to using the skills and experience from the past 40 years to help develop the next generation of dietitians and leaders.