Treasurer-elect, Treasurer or Immediate Past Treasurer Position Description
- Three positions serving staggered terms
- Three year term (1 year as Treasurer-elect, 1 years as Treasurer, 1 year as Immediate Past Treasurer)
Part I: Qualifications
- Member of the Academy in the Active or Retired classification
- Experience in activities and operations of the Academy
- Participation in national and affiliate and/or district dietetic association activities
- Experience in financial management
- Registration with the Commission on Dietetic Registration preferred
Part II: Requirements
- The Treasurer-elect shall serve for one (1) year. As Treasurer-elect, works closely with Treasurer in learning roles and responsibilities to ensure continuity. At the end of this term the Treasurer-elect shall become Treasurer and serve for one (1) year, then as Immediate Past Treasurer for one (1) year.
- Time: The positions of Treasurer, Treasurer-elect and Immediate Past Treasurer require a time commitment of approximately twenty (20) days each year for virtual and in-person meetings and travel, in addition to the Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo®. Additional time is required for conference calls, correspondence, planning, writing reports, etc. The Treasurer also serves as the financial officer on the Foundation Board of Directors. Depending on committee appointments and the Academy's program of work, this time commitment may be greater. Employer support in advance is encouraged.
- Depending on committee appointments and the Academy's program of work, this time commitment may be greater. Employer support in advance is encouraged.
- Willingness to commit time and talent to special projects and/or task force assignments from the Board of Directors.
Part III: Recommended Skill Sets and Attributes
The universal skill set applies to all positions on the national ballot.
Specific to Treasurer/Treasurer-elect/Immediate Past Treasurer
- Demonstrates servant-leadership
- Possesses experience and familiarity with the role of a Board of Directors
- Demonstrates meeting management and facilitation skills
- Possesses a working knowledge and understands the operations of the Academy
- Thinks strategically, globally and futuristically, taking into account the needs of the entire membership, including competing factions/trends
- Demonstrates an understanding of conflict resolution Demonstrates ability to interpret and explain financial statements, budgets, fund accounting and investments
- Possesses effective skills and oversight experience in evaluating short and long term financial planning and management
- Possesses ability to pay close attention to details
Part IV: Functions
As Treasurer-elect
- Serves as a member of the Board of Directors and its Executive Committee
- Serves as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee
- Serves as a member of the Compensation Committee
- Participates in public policy efforts and Action Alerts
As Treasurer
- Serves as a member of the Board of Directors, its Executive Committee, and as the financial officer of the Academy; also serves as a member and financial officer of the Academy Foundation Board and the Compensation Committee
- Serves as chair of the Finance and Audit Committee
- Oversees the maintenance of all funds and securities of the Academy
- Ensures that full and accurate financial records are kept and audited annually
- Reports the Academy's financial status to the Board of Directors and House of Delegates as requested and to the members at the annual business meeting
- Oversees the dissemination of financial reports to all the units of the Academy
- Performs any and all other powers and functions usually vested in the office of treasurer
- Participates in public policy efforts and Action Alerts
As Immediate Past Treasurer
- Serves as a member of the Board of Directors
- Serves as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee
- Participates in public policy efforts and Action Alerts